The Buccaneers
(1956) Made in England. Robert Shaw stars in this well-made, rousing British adventure series of the mid-50s. Taking place in the early 18th century, in the British Caribbean colony of New Providence (The Bahamas), episodes revolved around ex-pirate raider Dan Tempest (Shaw), who has accepted a pardon from King George, and the job of defending the islands, in his trusty ship ‘The Sultana’, along with a rag-tag crew.

Vol. 1:
Blackbeard 9/22/1956
Captain Woodes Rogers – Newly appointed Colonial Governor of The British Colony Of New Providence – Arrives with an official pardon, from King George, for all pirates. Most of the pirates accept the King’s offer, but Blackbeard and his gang resist, make a getaway, and scheme to have Rogers’ own ship attack the island.
Captain Dan Tempest 10/6/1956
Dan Tempest – Having ignored The King’s offer of a pardon – Returns to New Providence with a cargo of plunder, and is arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to hang. But Governor Rogers gives him a last-minute chance to go straight, which Tempest accepts, and he begins his new life as an ex-pirate, by taking a cargo of goods to Carolina, facing and defeating Blackbeard, on the way.
Before the Mast 12/1/1956
Spanish pirate raider El Supremo hatches a plan to overtake the Felicity – An English ship due to arrive soon with badly needed supplies for New Providence. After the pirates disable the Sultana, Tempest poses as a pirate and, with the help of Dickon, sabotages the pirate ship.
The Articles of War 12/15/1956
A Spanish Captain offers to allow food deliveries to New Providence, in exchange for the release of a Spanish Count, imprisoned on the island. When Beamish refuses, Gaff and Taffy deliver Armando, posing as the Count. But, the Spaniard doesn’t fall for it, and holds Armando prisoner, forcing Beamish to turn over the real Count. However, Armando saves them the trouble, when he escapes, and single-handedly destroys the Spanish ship.
Vol. 2:
Dead Man’s Rock 1/19/1957
To spare Nassau from destruction, Beamish secretly surrenders to a Spanish Captain, and, when Dickon tries to stop him, he is taken prisoner, as well. They are taken to a prison, in Cuba, where Beamish is pressed for information on a certain English convoy, due to sail soon. When Tempest finds out, he and Crew must ready the Sultana – Which has been laid up for repairs – And sail her to Cuba, with a plan to rescue Beamish and Dickon.
Dangerous Cargo 2/2/1957
Tempest is assigned to see that the Wife of the Governor of Barbados – Lady Hilary Winrod – Is delivered safely to her Husband, along with a top secret message from the British Admiralty. Knowing of Dan’s past as a Buccaneer, Hilary is reluctant to accompany him, and later tries to escape. But she changes her mind about Dan, after he rescues her from a Spanish Captain, and completes the mission to Barbados.
Conquistador 2/20/1957
A Spaniard by the name of Don Estaban has overtaken the Sultana, and holds Tempest and Crew prisoner on their own ship. Estaban then executes a scheme to turn the people of New Providence against Tempest, while he consorts with Van Brugh in a plan to demand a ransom from Beamish.
Conquest of New Providence 3/6/1957
Tempest and Crew return from a long voyage, to find that New Providence has fallen to Don Estaban and his Conquistadors. Tempest makes his way ashore, and, with the help of Armando’s Wife, Maria, devises a plan to re-take the island, which is complicated by a traitor, in the British ranks.
Vol. 3:
Cutlass Wedding 3/20/1957
Fed up with the lack, on New Providence, of men willing to marry, Miss Abigail, and some of the lady settlers buy a longboat, and row for Jamaica, in the hope of catching a ship back to England. Tempest and Crew give chase, and catch up with them on a small island, where they must rescue them from some French pirates, who are holding them prisoner, and intend to sell them as slaves.
Aztec Treasure 3/27/1957
Tempest and Crew encounter a Sailor by the name of Martin, who claims to know the whereabouts of the Aztec treasure known as The Fiery Mirror – A huge, solid gold wheel, as thick as a man’s fist. Tempest agrees to go looking for it, and, when he and Martin find it, and try to take it, they are held prisoner, and put on trial, by Indians, for the attempted theft.
Instrument of War 5/29/1957
Summoned to an island prison off Carolina, Dan is asked to transport a Scottish prisoner to the Commissioner at Port Royal, to argue the case of unjustly-jailed Scots. Dan agrees to help, but gets caught in the act, and soon lands in prison, along with his intended passenger, awaiting the hangman’s noose. But they call the other Highlanders to their aid, with an unusual, but very powerful instrument of war.
Pirate Honor 6/5/1957
During a shore leave, in Georgetown, Dan and Crew go to the aid of the Son and Widow of an old shipmate of Dan’s, who are being pressured by a corrupt official to reveal the whereabouts of a stash of buried treasure.
Vol. 4:
Blood Will Tell 1/26/1957
Van Brugh produces a young man claiming to be Lord Percy Gresham – The true owner of Gresham island – A critical outpost for the defense of New Providence. But Tempest knows that the real Percy Gresham is dead, and he and Crew try to thwart Van Brugh’s plan, by producing an impostor of their own.
Dan Tempest and the Amazons 12/8/1957
Seven English women revolt against their French captors, take over their ship, and hole up on a deserted island. Tempest and Crew sail to their rescue, but quickly find that the women are tougher than they appear. Rather than risk bloodshed on either side, they allow themselves to be taken prisoner, so that they can all return peacefully to Nassau, strictly under the women’s terms.
The Decoy 5/25/1957
Dan and Crew encounter a woman with a story about her husband being held captive by pirates on a deserted island. At first, Dan thinks it’s a trick, to lure them to the island, along with their valuable cargo, but he soon finds that the woman’s story is truth, and that her predicament is part of a complicated plot – Involving Governor Johnson, of South Carolina, and an old foe of Dan’s, known as The Turk – To take possession of her prosperous plantation, and steal The Sultana’s valuable cargo.
Dan Tempest’s War With Spain 10/13/1956
Lt. Beamish, just named Governor of New Providence, prepares to welcome the commander of a Spanish galleon. His inexperience and trusting nature make him a good mark for the wily Spaniard, whose visit is not a friendly one.
Vol. 5:
The Wasp 10/20/1956
A young scalawag from Blackbeard’s crew – Caught during a raid on Nassau – Is sentenced by Beamish to serve as Cabin Boy on Tempest’s ship. But the boy makes a run for it, returns to Blackbeard, and tries to talk him into applying for a job as a Privateer for The Crown. Tempest agrees to meet with Blackbeard, but Blackbeard doesn’t come alone, as agreed, and captures Tempest. But he soon escapes, with the help of the boy.
The Ladies 11/17/1956
The men on New Providence are looking forward to the arrival of some new female settlers, due the following day, on a ship called The Caroline. But, after a disgruntled Sailor leaks the news to Blackbeard, Tempest and his Crew put to sea, to meet with the Caroline, and Tempest puts together an ingenious plan to foil Blackbeard, and see the women safely to their new home.
Marooned 12/29/1956
Taken prisoner on the Sultana, after a raid on Nassau, a smooth-talking English pirate, by the name of Clip West, cons a gullible Sultana Sailor into helping him and his Crew take over the ship. They then maroon Tempest and his Crew on a deserted island, but, with the help of a former member of West’s Crew, they build a raft, sail to West’s hideout, and scheme to take West and his crew prisoners again.
Mr. Beamish & Hangman’s Noose 1/12/1957
After Beamish is imprisoned by the new Colonial Governor, under false charges, brought by Van Brugh, Dan allows himself to be arrested and jailed, as part of a plan to have Beamish released, and to nail the crooked Governor.
Vol. 6:
The Return of Calico Jack 2/9/1957
Calico Jack Rackam takes advantage of Tempest’s absence, and consorts with Van Brugh, in a plan to steal the Sultana’s cargo of valuable goods from the Merchants of New Providence. Beamish and acting-Skipper Gaff must then cooperate with one another, in order to thwart the plan.
Ghost Ship 2/16/1957
Tempest and Crew encounter a seemingly deserted ship, which, unbeknownst to them, is a front for a gang of pirates, used to lure innocent Seamen away from their ships. After Dickon is taken prisoner on the ‘ghost ship’ the pirates slip away, but Dan devises a plan to lure them back, so that they can rescue Dickon, and arrest the pirates.
Hurricane 3/16/1957
After a hurricane devastates Nassau, funds are desperately needed to rebuild. Tempest learns of a Spanish Treasury ship that has run aground, in the storm, on a nearby island and he and Crew set sail to find it. While Gaff tries to divert the Spaniards’ attention, in the Sultana, Tempest and Armando try to recover the treasure, with the help of some native islanders.
To the Rescue 5/18/1957
Dan and Crew are summoned to Savannah by Paula Meadows, to try to help Paula’s Uncle to get a fair price for his tobacco crop. The Uncle is bound, by law, to accept the unfairly low price, offered by The South Carolina Trading Company, and his crop is being held in the Governor’s warehouse. So, Dan comes up with a scheme to get hold of the tobacco, and get a fair price for it, by utilizing Maritime Law.
Vol. 7:
Whale Gold 10/27/1956
Tempest and his Crew – With the help of a grizzled old sea dog named Pat – Search for a substance known as ambergris – A rare, and extremely valuable secretion of the sperm whale. When Pat tells of the riches that can be had with the substance – Commonly called ‘Whale Gold’ – Greed takes over.
Gunpowder Plot 11/10/1956
New Providence is critically low on gunpowder, but The Admiralty won’t deliver ahead of schedule. The next delivery for New Providence is still months away, so Tempest devises a clever, complicated, and harmless scheme to procure the badly needed ordnance.
Surgeon of Sangre Rojo 11/24/1956
An epidemic of typhus strikes New Providence, and Beamish imposes a quarantine, until a Surgeon can be brought in. Tempest and Armando sneak away, and row to the Spanish-held island of Sangre Rojo, where they pose as Indians, arrest a Spanish Surgeon, and take him back to New Providence.
Mistress Higgins’ Treasure 5/11/1957
While trying to sneak into a Virginia port to deliver some farm tools, without paying the unfair taxes on them, Dan and Crew – With the help of a local Schoolmarm – Uncover a racket involving outrageously high export fees, and the looting of cargo ships.
Vol. 8: Dan Tempest Holds an Auction 4/10/1957 Captain Tempest comes across the survivor of a pirate attack. Using the information supplied by the man, he goes in search of the pirates to either destroy them or recover the stolen gold. The Raiders 9/26/1956 The island of New Providence is in danger from pirate raiders led by Charles Vane. Governor Rogers must decide on whether to go after Vane, thus leaving the island unprotected, or repairing the damaged fort and waiting for Vane to return and strike again. Hand of the Hawk 12/19/1956 The authorities are trying to drum up more business for the colony. The first merchantmen to arrive has a crew member killed with a warning, "beware the mark of the Hawk". Indian Fighters 5/1/1957 Tempest returns famous Indian fighter Understandable Perkins to his home town. Instead of an expected heroes welcome Perkins is charged with treason and thrown in jail. Tempest sets out to right the wrong. Mother Doughty's Crew 2/27/1957 A series of pirate raids puts Dan Tempest under pressure to catch the perpetrator. Tempest has to also dampen down rumors his own crew may be behind the attacks.
Vol. #9: The Prize of Andalusia 4/3/1957 After the crew rescues a stranded English sailor from being strapped to a bundle of cargo floating in the ocean, they swear to avenge the wrongdoing against him and rescue his stolen ship. Flip and Jenny 4/24/1957 Tempest finds two children stowed away on his ship. They tell a story of their father, an indentured slave, being thrown in jail for his refusal to work until the local land owner agrees to educate the children. Slave Ship 3/16/1957 After a hurricane devastates Nassau, funds are desperately needed to rebuild. Tempest learns of a Spanish Treasury ship that has run aground, in the storm, on a nearby island and he and Crew set sail to find it. While Gaff tries to divert the Spaniards’ attention, in the Sultana, Tempest and Armando try to recover the treasure, with the help of some native islanders. Spy Aboard 4/17/1957 Captain Tempest is robbed by the ruthless pirate Peg Leg. He comes to the realization there must be a spy aboard his own ship the Sultana. He decides the only way to get his fortune back is get a spy onto the pirate ship. Printer's Devil 6/12/1957 Captain Tempest becomes involved when he sees a printer shut down for spreading stories of corruption amid the government. Tempest thinks there is some truth behind the story and decides to make a stand.